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Xiansheng Hua

Hits:48761 Release Date:2023-07-07 11:45:14

     Hua Xiansheng graduated from Peking University with a doctor's degree in Applied Mathematics. He was selected as an IEEE fellow, acm2015 outstanding scientist, MIT TR35 Award (the world's 35 outstanding young innovators under the age of 35) and other honors. He also served as ACM The chairman of the program committee of multimedia conference is an international authoritative scholar in the field of visual identification and search. Hua Xiansheng, an academician of IEEE, joined the scientist team of idst, an artificial intelligence research institution of Alibaba cloud, and will lead the visual computing (Visual Computing) team of Alibaba cloud in the future, focusing on AI technology research and development in the fields of video image analysis, recognition and search. Before joining Alibaba, Hua Xiansheng worked at Microsoft.

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